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About the group

Publicado 26 ene. 2017

Healthcare has experienced a paradigm shift regarding disease management. Healthcare practice is decentralized outside of traditional settings, and approaches to bringing personalized medicine and care to those in need are in high demand. Significant advances have been made in this direction, but its full potential requires more exploration. Among diseases, infectious deserve special attention because they are major causes of death, disability, and social and economic disruption for millions of people. Over 9.5 million people die yearly because of infectious diseases (IDs), with more than 95% occurring in low- and middle-income countries. Unfortunately, most IDs lack adapted diagnostic tools, and despite several attempts, methods for their theranostic (diagnosis and treatment) are still ineffective. In this context, there is an urgent need for agents that can be used for detection, diagnosis, and remotely triggered therapy. In addition, the theranostic of IDs will significantly benefit from emerging technologies such as nano-bioengineering. Novel properties and functions of nano-bioengineered materials can be explored in various biomedical applications, where testing can be performed closer to the patient, at the point-of-care (POC) or even at home, and intervention can be tailored for more effective and efficient therapeutic approaches.

New group picture

The Max Planck Tandem Group in Nanobioengineering from Universidad de Antioquia, is a new group founded in 2016 in the frame of the Cooperation Agreement 566-2014 among the Max Planck Society (Germany) and Colciencias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia and Universidad de Antioquia. The group, located at Complejo Ruta N (Medellín-Colombia), is devoted to the development of new nano-bioengineered tools for theranostic of infectious diseases.


Group Leader
Max Planck Tandem Group in Nanobioengineering
Universidad de Antioquia
Complejo Ruta N, Torre A, Laboratorio 4-166
Calle 67, Nº 52-20, Medellín, 050010, Colombia.

Mail: grupotandem.nanobioe@udea.edu.co
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