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Max Planck


Advances in the Nanobiocáncer program

Publicado 13 jun. 2017


Colombia cientifica              NanoBioCancer          

-Find our brochure with all the advances in the Nanobiosensors for colorectal cancer biomarkers in https://nanobiocancer.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Nanobiosensores-electroquimicos-1.pdf

- Advances of our work have been highlighted in the jornal ‘Semana’.


Visit Advances in the Nanobiocáncer program web site

- Advances of our work have been highlighted in ‘El Colombiano’, the newspaper from our city.


Advances of our work have been on the front cover of the Almamater newspaper.

- Danilo Echeverri published his second glycobisensor paper β-1,4-Galactosyltransferase-V colorectal cancer biomarker immunosensor with label-free electrochemical detection. Talanta 243 (2022) 123337.

- Andrés Felipe Cruz was awarded the best poster in the IV Congreso Colombiano de Electroquímica, 2020.

- In the frame of the Nanobiocáncer Program, The Max Planck Tandem Group in Nanobioengineering will offer the online course: Plataformas nanobiosensoras electroquímicas y de papel para monitorización y diagnóstico, Octuber the 5th, 2020, with the participation of Prof. Dr. Arben Merkoçi (Instituto Catalán de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología) and Dr. Susana Campuzano (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).https://ivelectroquimicamedellin.wordpress.com/cursos-precongreso/

- The PhD students from Nanobiocáncer published a review paper in collaboration with Grupo Impacto de los Componentes Alimentarios en la Salud, University of Antioquia. Electrochemical Biosensors for Determination of Colorectal Tumor Biomarkers. Micromachines, 11-4 (2020), 411.

- Danilo Echeverri published his first paper, in collaboration with the MPI of Colloids an Interfaces from Postdam (Germany): Glycolipid-sensitized platform for specific monitoring of antiglican IgG and IgM antibodies. Talanta 217 (2020) 121117.

- Danilo Echeverri presented his research results entitled Glycolipid-sensitized platform for specific monitoring of antibodies, in the Ninth International Workshop on Biosensors, Merzouga (Morocco), October the 09th to 11th, 2019. http://www.biocap.ma/

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